Marjorie Hayes (1913-2005):
Wings Over the World, mid-1930s
Framed (ref: 268)
Signed, with title on label to reverse
Tempera on board
See all works by Marjorie Hayes panel tempera seascapes and skyscapes war
Provenance: The Artist's Studio
Exhibited:The Mall Galleries (The Federation of British Artists), n.d.
painting seems to be very much in the spirit of The Shape of Things to
Come, H.G.Wells’s epic science-fiction chronicle published in 1933,
which predicted the SecondWorldWar . Speculating about the future,Wells
presented a new world order in which air torpedoes and an association of
pilots and technicians (Air and Sea Control) reshaped the world’s
communications and systems of government.
Hayes might also have
been inspired by Baron von Koenig-Warthausen account,Wings Over theWorld
(1930), in which the 23-year-old German Baron described his epic
journey around the world in a Klemm-Daimler D-1433.